Articole de la același autor Jurist Andrei Bogdan MURGU

Andrei Bogdan MURGU este consilier juridic şi doctorand în cadrul Universităţii „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu Institutul de Studii Doctorale și Postdoctorale, Școala Doctorală în Domeniul „Drept”.

Privire de ansamblu asupra reglementării drepturilor copilului
Numărul 3 Anul 2022
The overflowing phenomenon of the regulation of children’s rights and freedoms reflects the responsible, constant and amplified concern of the international, European and national community for the diversification of egulations in the matter and the creation of effective tools for their operationalization. I did not propose an exhaustive inventory and a systematic analysis of the regulations in the field. On the contrary, my approach is ...
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Opinii cu privire la autonomia de voință în materie contractuală în dreptul internațional privat român
Numărul 5 Anul 2021
In accordance with its name, but without being exhaustive, in the proposed study we present various opinions on the autonomy of will in contractual matters in substantial Romanian private and international law, as well as some references to this legal institution in European Union law. Without proposing a critical analysis, where appropriate, we expressed our own views and pointed out various inadvertences or normative or even doctrinal incon...
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Contribuții la studiul competenței instanței de tutelă
Numărul 6 Anul 2020
In the context of the current Romanian civil and procedural civil regulations, establishing the jurisdiction of the guardianship court proves to be a difficult step. The problems are determined by the numerous and fragmented changes regarding the competence of the guardianship court, as well as by the transitional measures incidental to the establishment and functioning of this court. In these circumstances, in order to facilitate the interpre...
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Considerații privind libertatea copilului de a-și exprima opinia și dreptul acestuia de a fi ascultat
Numărul 1 Anul 2020
The purpose of the study is the logical-legal analysis of the provisions of art. 29 of Law no. 272/2004 and art. 264 C. civ. Devoted to the child’s freedom to express his opinion in relation to any matter concerning him, respectively to his right to be heard in any administrative or judicial procedure that also concerns him. The analysis is, above all, critical, both in terms of the disregard of the principle of the supremacy of t...
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Privire critică asupra cazurilor în care poate fi instituită tutela copilului conform art. 110 din actualul Cod civil
Numărul 1 Anul 2019
The idea of a study on this topic was inspired by the fact that in the specialized papers the analysis of the cases in which the guardianship of the child is required is usually summarized in the reproduction of the provisions of art 110 Civil Code. I consider that avoiding a thorough, systematic and systematic analysis of the provisions of art 110 Civil Code. It is impossible to establish the possible connections that exist or, better said, t...
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Privire de ansamblu asupra reglementării drepturilor copilului
Numărul 3 Anul 2018
The overflowing phenomenon of the regulation of children’s rights and freedoms reflects the responsible, constant and amplified concern of the international, European and national community for the diversification of regulations in the matter and the creation of effective tools for their operationalization. I did not propose an exhaustive inventory and a systematic analysis of the regulations in the field. On the contrary, my approach ...
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