Modificarea substanţială a unui contract de achiziţie publică în lumina jurisprudenţei Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene
04 01 2024
The article deals with the issue of substantial modification of public procurement contracts during its implementation in the light of the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). It is pointed out that, in the original versions, the EU directives on public procurement did not regulate the amendments to these contracts. It was only in 2014 that the directives began to codify solutions pronounced by the CJEU a...
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Controlul de legalitate al actelor adoptate de instituţiile Uniunii
03 01 2024
The article analyzes the judicial system of the European Union and the categories of legal actions that are subject to the analysis of the European courts. This judicial system, the Court of Justice of the European Union and the General Court, are intended to defend citizens’ rights, restoring the rule of law, through various types of actions, aimed at ensuring compliance with EU law and its uniform enforcement, to delimit competences ...
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O „anatomie” complexă a Jurisprudenţei în drept. Particularităţi privind jurisprundenţa Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene (CJUE)
03 01 2023
Legal theorists still have a difficult line to walk. Precisely, that this area of jurisprudence requires a deepening both from the point of view of theory and philosophy of law which, in turn, requires an acute understanding of how the legal system works and the reasoning that is in the study of all entities from within the system. Jurisprudence is normally accompanied by doctrine, understood as the activity of scientific study and intel...
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Rolul judecătorului naţional în spaţiul judiciar european
02 01 2022
The major judgments of the CJEU are, for the most part, judgments given following a preliminary ruling of a court of a Member State of the European Union. Each year, the Court of Justice issues approximately 400 preliminary rulings. The preliminary ruling mechanism is the instrument of cooperation between the courts of the twenty-seven EU Member States and the Court of Justice. It is based on a dialogue between the judges of EU law, who...
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„Prăjiturele” periculoase. Unele observaţii privind cauza Planet49
06 01 2021
In a judgment of 1 October 2019, Planet49 (C-673/17), the Grand Chamber of the Court held that consent to the storage of or access to information in the form of cookies installed on a website user’s terminal equipment is not validly constituted if given by way of a pre-checked checkbox, irrespective of whether or not the information in question is personal data. Furthermore, the Court made clear that the information that the service pro...
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