Articole de la același autor Conf. univ. dr. Petruţa-Elena ISPAS

Petruţa-Elena ISPAS este conferențiar universitar doctor în cadrul Facultății de Drept, Universitatea Titu Maiorescu București.
Dreptul de trecere și servitutea de trecere – moduri de constituire. De la teorie la practică
The provisions of the Romanian Civil Code adopted in the field of main real rights must be analyzed both from the perspective of regulation and from the perspective of the issues they may raise in practice. In this paper, we will try to approach the legal limit of the private property right – the right of way compared with the right of servitude – a dismemberment of the private property right. ...
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Exproprierea de fapt
Expropriation actually appeared in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and at the same time in the case law of national courts. Considering that this institution, quite common in the practice of courts, does not enjoy a regulatory framework, intervening when the holder of the private property right is deprived of the exercise of the prerogatives of his right, the award of damages by the courts was seen as having no legal basis. I...
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Garanţiile executării obligaţiilor civile. Concursul între creditori în materia privilegiilor şi a garanţiilor reale
The valid civil obligation gives the creditor the right to fulfil his claim right. When the debtor has several debts which are guaranteed with different guarantees, the question that arises concerns the analysis of the legal provisions applicable to the concurrence of creditors. In this paper we will try a theoretical and practical analysis of the rules established in this matter.
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Efectele rezoluţiunii și rezilierii contractelor
The issue of the effects brought about by termination and rescission brings into question both theoretical and practical arguments. We are faced with the termination of a contract for past or for the future, of a valid contract, but, that needs to be the subject of this civil sanction as a result of a non-performed obligation. In this present scientific paper we shall endeavour to analyse the manner in which these effects take place, and we s...
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