Articole de la același autor Dr. Alexandra Cerasela PANĂ

Alexandra Cerasela PANĂ este Doctor în Drept - Studii avansate în Drepturile Omului, Universitatea Carlos III, Madrid. A ocupat funcţii importante în Guvernul României, dintre care amintim pe cele de Secretar General al Ministerului Turismului şi Şef serviciu relaţia cu Parlamentul, Sindicatele şi Patronatele din cadrul Ministerului Energiei.

Drepturile omului în epoca postumanismului
Numărul 4 Anul 2023
Our space has been invaded by the joy and fears associated with the discoveries made in the field of new technologies. History confirms that technological progress has led to the prosperity of the human species and the spiritual evolution of individuals. If regarding the invention of the steam engine and the radio, humanity had the necessary time t o slowly assimilate the new discoveries, in case of Internetand artificial intelligence t...
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Rolul statelor în lumea digitală
Numărul 3 Anul 2022
The propose of this paper is to analyse how the new technology and Internet influence the role of the state in the new digital world architecture. Highlighting the need to protect the individual and his rights in the new configuration of a society based on connectivity and unlimited access to information, this paper presents the necessity of a new regulation for the Internet governance, that goes beyond the soft-law area and offers effective p...
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Impactul inteligenței artificiale (AI) asupra drepturilor omului
Numărul 5 Anul 2021
Artificial intelligence and its effects on human society are the main topics of the moment, while challenging both IT and legal researchers. Humanity has reached a point where it must accept the role of artificial intelligence and assimilate it, adapting its value system, legal framework and economy to the new reality. In April 2021, the European Commission announced its firm intention to develop and adopt legal measures and rules that ...
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Procesul de legiferare în era digitală
Numărul 1 Anul 2021
The article analyzes the influence of the development of digital services and technologies on the legislative process. Technological developments cannot be ignored by the legal system or the legislative powers of states, and sooner or later parliaments and governments will need to provide the citizen with the opportunity to understand and participate in the legislative process, while eliminating complicated procedures. The author emphasizes t...
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Aplicarea regulamentelor europene în domeniul securității cibernetice. Rolul Agenției Uniunii Europene pentru securitate cibernetică
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
We are living wonderful times; our life is gaining a new dimension: the digital world. But this new world needs rules and regulations, because the human being can not exist and develop outside a predictable environment. In this matter, privacy and security are the most important assets of the cyberspace. A great part of the economy, culture, entertainment, even religion has migrated in the online environment, so the institutions and authorities...
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Rolul factorului uman în asigurarea protecţiei datelor personale prelucrate în cadrul comunităţilor virtuale
Numărul 6 Anul 2019
The importance of the virtual communities’ privacy and security issues has been highlighted by the rapid development of online social networks. This article presents a short history of the off-line and on-line communities, a part of the multiple threats currently plaguing the virtual world and some recommendations and countermeasures to avoid such problems. New generations of users are impatient in publishing their personal information a...
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Rolul statelor în lumea digitală
Numărul 3 Anul 2018
The propose of this paper is to analyse how the new technology and Internet influence the role of the state in the new digital world architecture. Highlighting the need to protect the individual and his rights in the new configuration of a society based on connectivity and unlimited access to information, this paper presents the necessity of a new regulation for the Internet governance, that goes beyond the soft-law area and offers effective p...
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