Articole de la același autor Conf. univ. dr. Marius ANDREESCU

Marius ANDREESCU este conferenţiar universitar doctor în cadrul Universităţii din Piteşti, Facultatea de Ştiinţe Juridice şi Administrative, specializat pe disciplinele Drept constituţional şi instituţii politice şi Drept administrativ.

De profesie judecător este Preşedintele secţiei Penale a Curţii de Apel Piteşti şi formator în cadrul Institutului Naţional al Magistraturii.

Autor a peste 70 de articole şi studii publicate în ţară şi în străinătate, Dl. Andreescu este membru fondator al Institului de Drept Public şi Stiinţe Administrative al României, membru al Centrului de Excelenţă Academică – Bucureşti, fiind implicat în proiecte naţionale şi internaţionale în domeniul dreptului penal. A fost decorat de Preşedintele României cu Ordinul Naţional „Pentru Merit” în grad de Ofiţer.

Constituţionalitatea restrângerii exerciţiului unor drepturi și libertăţi în situaţii excepţionale
Numărul 1 Anul 2024
The Romanian Constitution uses a simple and efficient procedure for regulating the restriction of the exercise of certain rights and freedoms (common circumstances), through the provisions of a single article. The provisions of art. 53 allow the restriction of the exercise of some fundamental rights and freedoms, but only conditionally. The issue of interpretation and application of the provisions of art. 53 presents a special complexity becau...
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Criza dreptului și a justiţiei în epoca postmodernismului. Contradicţii maladive ale justiţiei
Numărul 6 Anul 2023
This essay represents an attempt to highlight, from a legal and philosophical perspective, the most significant contradictions that can affect justice during a period of social crisis, namely the era of postmodernism. The object of our analysis is: normativism and legal formalism, the ideology of globalization, the contradiction between the consecration and guarantee of citizen rights and the restriction of their exercise through excess of pow...
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Principiul comportamentului constituțional loial aplicat în activitatea Parlamentului și a Guvernului – aspecte de jurisprudență constituțională
Numărul 5 Anul 2023
The supremacy of the Constitution would remain a mere theoretical matter if there were no adequate guarantees. Undeniably, constitutional justice and its particular form, the constitutionality control of laws, represent the main guarantee of the supremacy of the Constitution, as it is also expressly stipulated in the Fundamental Law of Romania. The obligation of the authorities, namely the parliament and the executive to have a constit...
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Suveranitatea naţională și puterea de stat. Este necesară o lege a suveranităţii naţionale?
Numărul 2 Anul 2023
From the terminological point of view, but with different implications and content from a conceptual point of view, the doctrine uses the notions of popular sovereignty, national sovereignty and state sovereignty. The sovereignty of the people represents the right of the people to decide on their fate, to establish the political line of the state and the composition of its organs and to control their activity. Ideally, in the society where st...
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Principiile dreptului. Posibilitatea și utilitatea filosofiei dreptului
Numărul 3 Anul 2022
Any scientific intercession that has as objective, the understanding of the significances of the „principle of law” needs to have an interdisciplinary character, the basis for the approach being the philosophy of the law. In this study we fulfill such an analysis with the purpose to underline the multiple theoretical significances due to this concept, but also the relationship between the juridical principles and norms, respectively the normat...
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Aspecte ale normativismul social și juridic contemporan
Numărul 2 Anul 2022
The most striking expression of the social fact is the social norm. Man’s social existence cannot be conceived without norms, mainly moral, religious and legal, that regulate and even determine the behavior of the human person in the social environment. The existence of any individual as a social being presupposes a series of obligations exercised throughout his life cycle, materialized in a series of norms, some of which complement each othe...
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Supremaţia și stabilitatea Constituţiei. Comportamentul constituţional loial al autorităţilor publice
Numărul 3 Anul 2021
The procedure for amending the Constitution is extremely difficult, almost impossible in the current social and political context. The essence of a constitution is its stability over time because only in this way can ensure the stability of the entire normative system of a state, certainty and predictability. the conduct of legal subjects but also to ensure the legal, political and economic stability of the social system as a whole. The ...
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Contribuții ale doctrinei și jurisprudenței constituționale la construcția principiilor proporționalității și egalității
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
For the Romanian law system, the jurisprudence does not have the quality of formal source of the law. However, the legal reality, viewed from the historical perspective, has demonstrated the essential role of the judicial practice in interpreting and applying the law, in building argumentative practices, in clarifying the will of the legislator and in discovering the less obvious meanings of the legal norms, and not least in unifying the thoug...
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Principiile dreptului. Posibilitatea și utilitatea filosofiei dreptului
Numărul 3 Anul 2018
Any scientific intercession that has as objective, the understanding of the significances of the „principle of law” needs to have an interdisciplinary character, the basis for the approach being the philosophy of the law. In this study we fulfill such an analysis with the purpose to underline the multiple theoretical significances due to this concept, but also the relationship between the juridical principles and norms, respectively the normat...
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