Opinii privind familia și viața de familie în reglementările internaționale, europene și ale României, precum și în jurisprudența din materie a Curții Europene a Drepturilor Omului, Curții de Justiție a Uniunii Europene și Curții Constituționale a României
Numărul 5 Anul 2023
The study is dedicated to formulating a legal definition for the traditional family (concluded between a man and a woman), as well as presenting the right of the natural person to have his/her family life protected, in accordance with the corresponding regulations established by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fund...
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Opinii cu privire la căsătoria dintre un bărbat și o femeie în jurisprudenţa Curţii Constituţionale a României
Numărul 3 Anul 2023
The study resumes a previously approached topic, including in the pages of the journal Pandectele Române, that relating to the interpretation of art. 48(1) of the Constitution. With Decision no. 580/2016 and no. 539/2018, the Constitutional Court made a restrictive interpretation of the text, in the sense that it only considers marriage between a man and a woman. The interpretation of the Constitutional Court formalizes a doctrinal thes...
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Contribuţii la studiul dispoziţiilor legale referitoare la interzicerea căsătoriei între tutore și persoana aflată sub ocrotirea sa, precum și la cele privind opoziţia la căsătoria persoanei care beneficiază de consiliere judiciară sau tutelă specială
Numărul 5 Anul 2022
Law no. 140/2022 brought important news regarding some conditions for the valid conclusion of marriage. In accordance with its name, the study is devoted to the analysis of the legal provisions regarding the prohibition of marriage between the guardian and the person protected by him, as well as those regarding the oppositionto the marriage of the natural person who benefits from judicial counseling or special guardianship.
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Contribuții la studiul regimului juridic al drepturilor morale de autor
Numărul 6 Anul 2020
The analysis of various approaches in the Romanian legal literature, including those related to copyright, denotes the tendency to present and, implicitly, to unreservedly embrace theses from foreign doctrine. It is a known and true fact that the “Romanian legislator”, in substantiating some normative solutions, was also inspired by the regulations or doctrine from other states. However, it is equally true that insisting on ...
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Opinii privind căsătoria persoanelor de același sex în România din perspectivă exclusiv juridică
Numărul 5 Anul 2020
Through this study we resume a topical issue of great interest in Romania, on which we have focused in previous papers, some published in the journal “Pandectele Române”.
The question that remains is to determine whether, at present, in Romania, same sex marriages are allowed or not.
Unlike the previous approaches, we have found it appropriate to take a look at the evolution, in the Romanian space, of the regulations dedic...
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Opinii critice referitoare la regimul juridic al operelor orfane în reglementarea Legii nr. 8/1996 privind dreptul de autor și drepturile conexe
Numărul 1 Anul 2019
Following the completion in 2015 of Law no. 8/1996 on copyright and neighboring rights, as a matter of absolute novelty, regulates the legal regime of „orphan works”.
Reaction of the doctrine of legal protection of intellectual creation to this novelty legal institution is still timid, and the case law seems to have not yet faced litigation in this matter.
The analysis of the established regulations denotes the existence of...
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