Despre premisele, dezvoltările și perspectivele unui drept al inteligenţei artificiale
01 01 2024
The pervasive assertion and emergence of evolved forms of AI offer tremendous opportunities for innovation and growth, but at the same time they also generate dangers, unprecedented in nature and scope for human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. Governing the multiple challenges thus generated requires the intervention of regulation, by establishing and complying with voluntary ethical and legal norms. An instrument for regulatin...
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Drepturile omului în epoca postumanismului
04 01 2023
Our space has been invaded by the joy and fears associated with the discoveries made in the field of new technologies. History confirms that technological progress has led to the prosperity of the human species and the spiritual evolution of individuals. If regarding the invention of the steam engine and the radio, humanity had the necessary time t o slowly assimilate the new discoveries, in case of Internetand artificial intelli...
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Analiză privind lawfare în dreptul internaţional din perspectivă transdisciplinară
05 01 2022
Considering the terminological meaning of this new concept which has been given the name of lawfare, we will note that it can be particularly useful to develop the research of this topic in a new scientific and even cultural approach: through transdisciplinarity, whose aim is to highlight the nature and characteristics of the flow of information that circulates between different branches of knowledge. Lawfare can affect the very DNA of...
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Rolul statelor în lumea digitală
03 01 2022
The propose of this paper is to analyse how the new technology and Internet influence the role of the state in the new digital world architecture. Highlighting the need to protect the individual and his rights in the new configuration of a society based on connectivity and unlimited access to information, this paper presents the necessity of a new regulation for the Internet governance, that goes beyond the soft-law area and offers effe...
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Între drepturile omului și economia digitală
03 01 2022
International investment in services using public communications networks or the Internet as a means of delivery is undergoing a stage of analysis and reform to better match the positive and constructive balance between respect for human rights and national security requirements. and communications (ICT) have developed rapidly on the same wave of digitalization. States invest and/or receive investment in ICT to support their growth and ...
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10 ani de la deschiderea spre semnare a Convenției de la Istanbul
05 01 2021
The article aims to analyse the effects of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, finalised in Istanbul on 11 May 2011, ten years after its preparation for signature. The tenth anniversary of the preparation for signature of this important legal instrument, which is binding on the Member States which have agreed to sign and ratify it, is an occasion for a retrospective ...
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Impactul inteligenței artificiale (AI) asupra drepturilor omului
05 01 2021
Artificial intelligence and its effects on human society are the main topics of the moment, while challenging both IT and legal researchers. Humanity has reached a point where it must accept the role of artificial intelligence and assimilate it, adapting its value system, legal framework and economy to the new reality.
In April 2021, the European Commission announced its firm intention to develop and adopt legal measures and rule...
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Libertatea de exprimare, premisă a fericirii
06 01 2020
Freedom of expression is one of the rights regulated and guaranteed both by the Constitution of Romania, the European Convention on Human Rights, but also by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and in fact includes two freedoms: freedom of opinion and freedom of information. In the context in which the founding parents of the United States of America considered that freedom, together with life and the pursuit of hap...
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Libertatea de exprimare, premisă a fericirii
06 01 2020
Freedom of expression is one of the rights regulated and guaranteed both by the Constitution of Romania, the European Convention on Human Rights, but also by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and in fact includes two freedoms: freedom of opinion and freedom of information. In the context in which the founding parents of the United States of America considered that freedom, together with life and the pursuit of hap...
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Între drepturile omului și economia digitală
03 01 2018
International investment in services using public communications networks or the Internet as a means of delivery is undergoing a stage of analysis and reform to better match the positive and constructive balance between respect for human rights and national security requirements. and communications (ICT) have developed rapidly on the same wave of digitalization. States invest and/or receive investment in ICT to support their growth and ...
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