Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: digitalizare

Suveranitatea digitală a Europei – marea provocare europeană a deceniului: un nou cadru pentru accelerarea inovaţiei și a competitivităţii într-o superputere tehnologică
The terrible War in Ukraine calls into question something that many have long regretted: Europe’s historical acceptance of a secondary role on the world geostrategic map. The fatal context only promoted the word sovereignty, which continued to gain prominence until it became perhaps the most cited word in any meeting about the future of the continent. At first it seems clear that sovereignty comes from the people, but this question needs...
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Modernizarea justiţiei prin tehnologie
During the last decade, we are living under the influence of technology. Our activities are becoming more and more digitalized, and activities in the justice sector are no exception to this. However, compared to other fields, the representatives of the judiciary, being more conservative by nature of their occupation, often hesitate to accept or promote the use of technology. Thus, this article comes to support the effort to technol...
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Fenomenul înlocuirii profesiilor juridice de către inteligența artificială – pericol real sau doar un mit?
01 01 2023
In a world that seems to have moved completely online, the temptation to think that the physical world is abandoned and everything can be done from now on in the virtual environment is obvious. But if we look around the corner, we will still find ourselves, those existing in the physical reality. The illusion of the virtual environment is maintained until the appearance of the first real problem, which has a direct impact on the quality of our...
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Rolul statelor în lumea digitală
The propose of this paper is to analyse how the new technology and Internet influence the role of the state in the new digital world architecture. Highlighting the need to protect the individual and his rights in the new configuration of a society based on connectivity and unlimited access to information, this paper presents the necessity of a new regulation for the Internet governance, that goes beyond the soft-law area and offers effective p...
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Între drepturile omului și economia digitală
International investment in services using public communications networks or the Internet as a means of delivery is undergoing a stage of analysis and reform to better match the positive and constructive balance between respect for human rights and national security requirements. and communications (ICT) have developed rapidly on the same wave of digitalization. States invest and/or receive investment in ICT to support their growth and develop...
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Procesul de legiferare în era digitală
The article analyzes the influence of the development of digital services and technologies on the legislative process. Technological developments cannot be ignored by the legal system or the legislative powers of states, and sooner or later parliaments and governments will need to provide the citizen with the opportunity to understand and participate in the legislative process, while eliminating complicated procedures. The author emphasizes t...
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Limitele dreptului la viață privată în contextul educației digitale
Starting from the premise that the right to privacy is a fundamental element of our society, as well as of dignity and human freedom, the paper aims to analyse to what extent and by what means there may be limitations or violations of this fundamental right and how personal data may or must be processed in the context of digital education. The health crisis generated by the pandemic of Covid-19, imposed special measures in the educatio...
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Protecţia datelor cu caracter personal în activitatea executorilor judecătoreşti. Când devin urgenţa, alerta şi pandemia catalizatori ai încălcării reglementărilor privind datele?
The forced digitization of any activity, which takes place through the Internet, has brought not only the possibility of continuing the activity in the light of the restrictions imposed by the pandemic but also the addition of risks for controllers. Most risks relate to the security of the processing of personal data, the encrypted transfer of data, the use of legal grounds for specific purposes as well as the confidentiality and integrity of ...
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Rolul statelor în lumea digitală
The propose of this paper is to analyse how the new technology and Internet influence the role of the state in the new digital world architecture. Highlighting the need to protect the individual and his rights in the new configuration of a society based on connectivity and unlimited access to information, this paper presents the necessity of a new regulation for the Internet governance, that goes beyond the soft-law area and offers effective p...
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Între drepturile omului și economia digitală
International investment in services using public communications networks or the Internet as a means of delivery is undergoing a stage of analysis and reform to better match the positive and constructive balance between respect for human rights and national security requirements. and communications (ICT) have developed rapidly on the same wave of digitalization. States invest and/or receive investment in ICT to support their growth and develop...
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