Articole din categoria: Numărul 1

Sistemul integrat de cadastru și carte funciară. Reglementări, imperfecţiuni, impedimente și propuneri
Numărul 1 Anul 2019
Law no. 7/1996 provided for the implementation of a national program, aiming at the free registration of buildings in the integrated cadastre and land registry system, realization of the cadastral plan of the buildings and the opening of land books at the level of all administrative-territorial units. In subsequent years there have been numerous changes and legislative amendments, but the results were not what they expected. Gove...
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Opinii critice referitoare la regimul juridic al operelor orfane în reglementarea Legii nr. 8/1996 privind dreptul de autor și drepturile conexe
Following the completion in 2015 of Law no. 8/1996 on copyright and neighboring rights, as a matter of absolute novelty, regulates the legal regime of „orphan works”. Reaction of the doctrine of legal protection of intellectual creation to this novelty legal institution is still timid, and the case law seems to have not yet faced litigation in this matter. The analysis of the established regulations denotes the existence of...
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Încetarea contractului de muncă prin acordul părţilor, în România și ţări din Uniunea Europeană. O abordare comparată, pentru o propunere de lege ferenda la reglementarea actuală
Numărul 1 Anul 2019
From a legal point of view, the access of an employer or an employee to the  Romanian labour market is regulated by the Labour Code. Since its adoption in 2003, when it replaced the old communist regulation of labour relations, to the present, in spite of the evolution of society and technology, which implied an accelerated sense of employment relations characterized by the wish of both employers and employees to be able to conclude an...
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Scurte consideraţii asupra art. 294 alin. (5^1) din Legea nr. 1/2011 a educaţiei naţionale
Numărul 1 Anul 2019
Last year the Romania Law on National Education was updated by the Government Ordinance no. 9/2018 on the amendment and completion of normative acts in the field of education. The additions include the provision that the fixed-term employment contract between a university and an assistant lecturer – concluded on the basis of a competition, in which the employment standards specific to the position were met – is transformed into an empl...
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Efectele rezoluţiunii și rezilierii contractelor
The issue of the effects brought about by termination and rescission brings into question both theoretical and practical arguments. We are faced with the termination of a contract for past or for the future, of a valid contract, but, that needs to be the subject of this civil sanction as a result of a non-performed obligation. In this present scientific paper we shall endeavour to analyse the manner in which these effects take place, a...
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Privire critică asupra cazurilor în care poate fi instituită tutela copilului conform art. 110 din actualul Cod civil
Numărul 1 Anul 2019
The idea of a study on this topic was inspired by the fact that in the specialized papers the analysis of the cases in which the guardianship of the child is required is usually summarized in the reproduction of the provisions of art 110 Civil Code. I consider that avoiding a thorough, systematic and systematic analysis of the provisions of art 110 Civil Code. It is impossible to establish the possible connections that exist or, better ...
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Codul muncii interpretat de către Înalta Curte de Casaţie și Justiţie, prin intermediul recursului în interesul legii
Numărul 1 Anul 2019
Since its adoption in 2003 to the present, Law no. 53/2003 on the Labour Code has not benefited from any application rules. However, a number of decisions pronounced by the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) concerning several provisions of the Labour Code, aimed at adjudicating on appeals in the interest of the law, or at giving preliminary rulings on points of law, have been, and continue to represent, a form of concrete...
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