GDPR practic. Martie – aprilie 2024
Numărul 4 Anul 2024
Consultați sumarul rubricii GDPR în PRACTICĂ prezentă în fiecare număr al revistei Pandectelor române. Rubrica aferentă perioadei martie – aprilie 2024 conține informații suplimentare despre deciziile autorităților privind protecția datelor naționale și europene, jurisprudență națională și europeană și reglementările Uniunii Europene date în aplicarea Regulamentului nr. 679 din 27 aprilie 2016 (în legislația națională Legea nr. 190/2018).
I.1. Curtea de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene
A. C-604/2...
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Deficienţe în instruirea criminalistică și efectele acestora în sistemul judiciar
Numărul 4 Anul 2024
Forensics is a complex science that makes use of numerous techniques, methods and procedures from various fields in order to discover traces, facts or circumstances and turn them into evidence. The development of forensics is spectacular and overlaps with advances in other sciences such as chemistry, physics, medicine, computer science, biology, geology, anthropology, etc.The applicability of forensics is not limited to criminal t...
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Tendinţe nocive în domeniul achiziţiilor publice – cazul Agenţiei Naţionale pentru Achiziţii Publice sau cum interpretările insolite pot compromite o instituţie
Numărul 4 Anul 2024
Starting from the provisions of the National Strategy in the field of public procurement 2023-2027, approved by Government Decision no. 554/2023, which establishes that the primary and secondary legislation in this field „is complemented by instructions, orders and notifications with the intention of bringing greater clarity on the interpretation and application of the various articles of law”, the article analyzes the multitude of norm...
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Clarificări din perspectiva ajutorului de minimis pentru asigurarea serviciilor silvice pentru fondul forestier proprietate privată
Numărul 4 Anul 2024
In Romania there is a total area of 586 thousand ha of privately owned forestswhose areas are less than or equal to 30 ha. Regardless of the form of ownership, the administration or provision of forestry services for the entire national forest fund is mandatory and is carried out through the forestry departments, according to the provisions of art. 10 of Law no. 46/2008 – Forestry Code, republished, with subsequent amendments and c...
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Reflecţii privind generalizarea competenţelor Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene (CJUE) în ceea ce privește spaţiul de libertate, securitate și justiţie
Numărul 4 Anul 2024
Generalized by the Treaty of Lisbon, the powers of the Court of Justice of theEuropean Union in the field of freedom, security and justice are exercised within a legal and institutional framework that is nevertheless restricted. Thus said, in addition to the restrictions intended to preserve national sovereignty, the Court of Justice intervenes in a fragmented space on a territorial and material level. However, these complexity fa...
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Modificarea substanţială a unui contract de achiziţie publică în lumina jurisprudenţei Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene
Numărul 4 Anul 2024
The article deals with the issue of substantial modification of public procurement contracts during its implementation in the light of the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). It is pointed out that, in the original versions, the EU directives on public procurement did not regulate the amendments to these contracts. It was only in 2014 that the directives began to codify solutions pronounced by the CJEU a...
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Infracţiuni specifice domeniului afacerilor prevăzute în legi speciale. Evaziunea fiscală în mediul de afaceri
Numărul 4 Anul 2024
The businessman – professional trader, natural or legal person, belongs to different categories of legal relationships: civil, fiscal, labor law, administrative, financial. The same professional trader can also enter into criminal legal relationships, where the state holds him responsible for violating the law. The penal policy of each state aims to take the necessary criminal legislative measures to maintain economic and social struct...
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O abordare juridică, filozofică și teologică a conceptului de cetăţenie
Numărul 4 Anul 2024
The concept of citizenship is gaining a greater interest in thematic research,especially in those dealing with aspects of national and transnational citizenship legislation. The concept of citizenship has its roots in Greek and Roman antiquity, where citizens – free and adult males – had rights, freedoms and obligations.
From that time until today, when the transnational elements of the concept ofcitizenship tend to r...
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Demnitatea fiinţei umane și efectivitatea drepturilor fundamentale – temeiuri ale păcii sociale
Numărul 4 Anul 2024
The peace, that state in which no type of conflicts can be found, felt bothindividually and collectively, socially, is closely related to the balance of socialrelations, contributing to the harmonious development of the human being,being even an important factor of happiness. It cannot be obtained without the awareness of the active role and involvement of the individual in such a setting.
To be motivated towar...
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Intervenţia instanţei în arbitraj
Numărul 4 Anul 2023
The Romanian legislator regulated the intervention of the state courts in the arbitration in order to remove the obstacles encountered in the organization or conduct of the arbitration or in order to fulfill other duties of the court in the arbitration.
The article makes a thorough investigation of the intervention of state courts in arbitration, regulated by Art. 547 Romanian Civil Procedure Code and begins with a brief presenta...
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