Articole din categoria: Numărul 6

Repere privind regimul internaţional de control al armelor nucleare în actuala cursă a înarmărilor
Numărul 6 Anul 2021
The international arms control regime has reached a stalemate with the withdrawal of the United States from a series of international treaties and the launch of new military defense and consolidation objectives in pursuit of absolute strategic and technological superiority. This article analyzes the international arms control regime in terms of its strengths and weaknesses, and seeks to situate the positions of the nuclear-power states...
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„Prăjiturele” periculoase. Unele observaţii privind cauza Planet49
Numărul 6 Anul 2021
In a judgment of 1 October 2019, Planet49 (C-673/17), the Grand Chamber of the Court held that consent to the storage of or access to information in the form of cookies installed on a website user’s terminal equipment is not validly constituted if given by way of a pre-checked checkbox, irrespective of whether or not the information in question is personal data. Furthermore, the Court made clear that the information that the service pro...
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(Im)predictibilitatea procesului educaţional în context pandemic
Numărul 6 Anul 2021
In the context of the increasingly complicated health crisis that we are facing, the multiple normative acts that regulate – often without prior notice – parts of the educational process, introduce additional access procedures or their conditioning, aimed at protecting personal data. The study analyzes the causes of the unpredictability of these rules, and the effects they can have on the educational process, but also on data security. F...
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Metaversul, între Privacy by design și riscuri infinite
Numărul 6 Anul 2021
Introduced as the successor of the mobile internet, the metaverse is aiming to be the global network of interconnected devices, characterized by advanced permeability of the delimitation between physical and digital realities (people, spaces and things in physical reality are recreated in digital realities), able to offer immersive and vivid experiences, based on connectivity and interoperability, technically made through computers, sm...
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Regimul juridic al raporturilor de muncă întemeiate și neîntemeiate pe un contract individual de muncă
Numărul 6 Anul 2020
The legal regime of employment relationships based and not based on an individual employment agreement refers to all the rules provided by law regarding the situation of the parties between whom these are established; it depends on the category of employers (of private or public law) under which the work is carried out, as well as on its specificity, which determines certain requirements and limitations to both subjects. In this ...
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O situație în care dezlegările instanței superioare nu ar trebui să fie obligatorii pentru instanța de rejudecare
Numărul 6 Anul 2020
This study reveals and submits to the debate of specialists a potential conflict situation generated by the current formulation of art. 480(3) the final thesis and art. 501(1) of the Civil Procedure Code, which relates the retrial court to the application of the legal solutions issued by the control court, without excluding that this application may lead to the disregard of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and...
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Contribuții la studiul competenței instanței de tutelă
Numărul 6 Anul 2020
In the context of the current Romanian civil and procedural civil regulations, establishing the jurisdiction of the guardianship court proves to be a difficult step. The problems are determined by the numerous and fragmented changes regarding the competence of the guardianship court, as well as by the transitional measures incidental to the establishment and functioning of this court. In these circumstances, in order to facilitate the i...
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Libertatea de exprimare, premisă a fericirii
Numărul 6 Anul 2020
Freedom of expression is one of the rights regulated and guaranteed both by the Constitution of Romania, the European Convention on Human Rights, but also by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and in fact includes two freedoms: freedom of opinion and freedom of information. In the context in which the founding parents of the United States of America considered that freedom, together with life and the pursuit of hap...
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Libertatea de exprimare, premisă a fericirii
Numărul 6 Anul 2020
Freedom of expression is one of the rights regulated and guaranteed both by the Constitution of Romania, the European Convention on Human Rights, but also by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and in fact includes two freedoms: freedom of opinion and freedom of information. In the context in which the founding parents of the United States of America considered that freedom, together with life and the pursuit of hap...
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Aplicarea în România a dispozițiilor art. 57 din RGPD, privind sarcinile autorității de supraveghere
Numărul 6 Anul 2020
The general data protection regulation attaches particular importance not only to the regulation of the independent status of supervisors or the way in which they cooperate, through mechanisms of cooperation and coherence, but also to the definition of the powers, tasks and competences that a supervisory authority has. During our comparative analysis regarding the text of art. 57 of the Regulation, which includes the main tasks of a su...
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