Fond funciar. Dovedirea calităţii de persoană îndreptăţită la reconstituire. Proba calităţii de moştenitor. Forţa probantă a certificatului de calitate de moştenitor. Efectul pozitiv al autorităţii de lucru judecat
Numărul 6 Anul 2019
This article aims to provide arguments for several legal issues, starting from criticizing a recent erroneous jurisprudential solution, recalling, in essence, the fact that under the special laws of remedy in the field of property, the legislature instituted cases of reinstatement ope legis within the term of accepting the succession of the authors (former owners of the property whose restitution is requested), by the request/notificatio...
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Scurte consideraţii cu privire la exercitarea abuzivă a dreptului de denunţare unilaterală a contractului cu executare succesivă
Numărul 6 Anul 2019
An exponent of unilateralism expansion in the field of contractual structure, the right to the unilateral denunciation of the contract brings into discussion the need to control its exercise from the perspective of the abuse of right, especially when it aims at a successive execution contract. On the other side, the inclusion of this extinctive prerogative into the category of protestative rights calls into question the admissibility o...
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Unificarea juridică – legislativă, judiciară și cultural-știinţifică – parte inseparabilă a procesului de desăvârșire a unităţii naţionale
Numărul 6 Anul 2018
The unification of the civil life of the Romanian society, in continuation and to the completion of the political and State union, achieved in 1918, has a fundamental pillar the Constitution of March 29th, 1923, and the modern legislation, unified in its application; we can also take into consideration the institutions created by the same means in the newly-unified country. The fundamental law belonged to the liberal tradition, becoming...
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Inadmisibilitatea acţiunii în întoarcerea executării silite îndreptate împotriva creditorului popritor pe motivul desfiinţării titlului executoriu din dosarul în care a validat poprirea, în condiţiile existenţei unei hotărâri irevocabile de validare a popririi
Numărul 6 Anul 2018
This commentary seeks to highlight a number of issues related to the impossibility of requesting the de jure abolition of an attachment and the restitution of the retained amounts through a future action, provided that there is a final (in this case irrevocable) decision to validate the attachment, not abolished by the specific means of appeal, a decision that constituted the enforceable title of the third party who executed the amount ...
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Lipsa din dispozitivul hotărârii a unor menţiuni cuprinse în minută. Nelegalitatea aplicării sancţiunii nulităţii hotărârii de către instanţa de control judiciar
Numărul 6 Anul 2018
Omission of the judgment judicial provisions that are found in minute is not likely to attract annul the award, but may be directed towards a conclusion further data under art. 281 C. pr. civ. So canceling the sentence appealed and sending the case back because on the sentence is not identical to the minutes because the device is not found solution ordered by the trial court on the objection of lack material and the severance of claims, ...
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Dreptul umanitar și protecţia datelor personale
Numărul 6 Anul 2018
The actions of major actors in humanitarian law are jeopardized by new technologies and personal data protection. Recent developments and trends are assessed from the perspective of international humanitarian law instruments, on the one hand, and international regulations, especially European ones, on the other. The article analyzes potential international effects of the application of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), adopt...
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Perspective ale dreptului la uitare digitală (dreptul la înlăturare): concluziile Avocatului general în Cauza G. C. și alţii (C-136/17)
Numărul 6 Anul 2018
Information technology changed the way we relate to information as any data posted on the Internet can remain accessible indefinitely. On the one hand this ease of access undoubtedly improved the business environment, but on the other hand the fundamental right to privacy of natural persons seems to be under threat in the absence of adequate legal mechanisms that should ensure that their past will not haunt them ad vitam aeternam. Last ...
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Codul numeric personal (C.N.P.) – atribut de identificare a persoanei fizice
Numărul 6 Anul 2018
The individualization of natural persons is of particular importance, both legally and socially, civil law having the role of individualizing such persons. Thus, at present, a person is mainly individualized by name, domicile and civil status.
The article analyzes an attribute of identifying the natural person, which until now has not been considered in the legal literature, except under administrative law. This is the personal ...
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Examen critic asupra Deciziei Înaltei Curţi de Casaţie și Justiţie, Completul pentru dezlegarea unor chestiunide drept, nr. 66 din 1 octombrie 2018 privind întinderea reevaluării ofertelor de către autorităţile contractante
Numărul 6 Anul 2018
The article analyzes critically the decision rendered by the Panel ruling on points of law of the High Court of Cassation and Justice no. 66/2018 according to which the contracting authority invested with the re-evaluation of tenders following the legality control exercised by the National Council for Solving Complaints and/or the court has the possibility of checking all the technical elements and the financial aspects of the offer capa...
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Reformarea Casaţiei: între modernizare și mutaţie culturală
Editoriale Anul 2023
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