Articole din categoria: Numărul 1

De ce să ne restructurăm și să nu așteptăm insolvența?
Numărul 1 Anul 2023
In the context of last year’s amendments to Law 85/2014 on Insolvency and Insolvency Prevention Proceedings and Other Legislation („Insolvency Law”), inter alia, new instruments have been introduced providing companies in financial distress but viable with the opportunity to have access to effective preventive restructuring frameworks that enable them to operate in full or in part via measures such as adjusting the business, the asset a...
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Daune-interese moratorii și daune compensatorii în contextul întoarcerii executării silite
Numărul 1 Anul 2023
The court’s disposition to return the forced execution, following the abolition of the enforceable title or the enforcement itself, leads to the creation of a new paradigm, in which the creditor of the forced execution, whose patrimony has increased, becomes the debtor of the obligation of restitution, to the debtor of the forced execution, who becomes – in turn – the creditor of the restitution obligation. The natural conseq...
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Controlul de constituționalitate al prevederilor legale referitoare la acordarea de despăgubiri persoanelor achitate
Numărul 1 Anul 2023
The Criminal Procedure Code explicitly provides only for damages in case of miscarriage of justice and in the case of illegal deprivation of liberty. The judicial error is limited to the situations in which, after the final conviction, the case was re-judged and an acquittal was pronounced. No explicit reference is made to the situations in which the criminal action was initiated ex officio and successive acquittals or other non-prosecu...
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Fenomenul înlocuirii profesiilor juridice de către inteligența artificială – pericol real sau doar un mit?
Numărul 1 Anul 2023
In a world that seems to have moved completely online, the temptation to think that the physical world is abandoned and everything can be done from now on in the virtual environment is obvious. But if we look around the corner, we will still find ourselves, those existing in the physical reality. The illusion of the virtual environment is maintained until the appearance of the first real problem, which has a direct impact on the quality...
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Fapta creditorului – cauză de limitare a răspunderii fideiusorului
Being based on the subrogation mechanism, the guarantor’s regression transfers tale quale all remedies to the creditor regarding the principal debtor from the creditor to the guarantor. By subrogation to the creditor’s rights, the guarantor intends to benefit from all guarantees accompanying the receivable and ensures the guarantor’s regression against its debtor. When, subsequently to contracting suretyship, in a culpable...
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Punerea în mișcare a acțiunii penale
Numărul 1 Anul 2023
The criminal trial represents the activity through which the facts that constitute crimes are ascertained in a timely and concrete manner, thus making it possible to establish the criminal liability of the guilty person on a procedural path that includes the criminal investigation, the preliminary chamber, the trial and the execution of the criminal court decisions. Each procedural stage regulates a distinct phase of examining or solvin...
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Respectarea normelor procesuale în activitatea de ascultare a persoanei vătămate minore – garanție pentru soluționarea echitabilă a unei cauze penale
Numărul 1 Anul 2022
Without being ignored in any way by the national legislator, the situation of the minor victim has been substantially improved in terms of the procedural rights regulated in the new criminal procedural legislation. Although there were specific provisions for the protection of this vulnerable category of persons in the previous regulation, the new legislation also took into account the established jurisprudence of the European Court of H...
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Expertiza criminalistică extrajudiciară ca mijloc de probă
Numărul 1 Anul 2022
The article aims to clarify the controversy over whether extrajudicial forensic expertise represents evidence or not. The beginning of the article deals with some general considerations on the notion of expertise, when and by whom it is ordered, and who can carry out the forensic expertise. Then the results of a comparative study on the regulation of the expertise in criminal and civil law are presented, while demonstrati...
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Locul dreptului internațional al investițiilor în genealogia dreptului internațional
Numărul 1 Anul 2022
The study aims to identify the origin, `membership` and developments of international investment law in the set of international law regulations. The merging of these pieces into a legal mechanism was generated by the overflow of sources of legislation, jurisprudence and doctrine. For this study, a coherent mix between transdisciplinary research methods was required, being used in this context, the methods: qualitative and comparative. T...
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Pierderea cauțiunilor aferente contestațiilor în materia achizițiilor publice ca urmare a pasivității îndelungate a contestatorilor – un memento în sprijinul acestora
Numărul 1 Anul 2022
The public procurement complaint involves a financial effort for the person resorting to this administrative-jurisdictional procedural institution, the admissibility of the complaint being conditioned, first of all, by the proof of a guarantee whose amount is customized by the estimated value of the contract subject to the award procedure. In the absence of proof of the guarantee, within the term imposed by the delegated legislator, th...
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