Articole din categoria: Numărul 3

Nelegalitatea decuplării energiei electrice ca urmare a solicitării de a se negocia clauze neesenţiale
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
A company’s electricity supply was cut off without notice on the grounds thatit had raised some objections to non-essential clauses in the contract it hadsigned and sent to the supplier. For several months, there was no response to the negotiation proposals and the competent authority to resolve the dispute was not indicated, whose name was not specified in the contract. After almost a year, the supplying company was ...
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Spre o perspectivă inedită asupra soluţiilor aflate la dispoziţia instanţei de judecată – respingerea acţiunii atât pe excepţie, cât și pe fond?
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
The prevailing ideology of the rules of procedure according to which the court will first rule on the exceptions that make the investigation of the merits of the case unnecessary is that, once the incidence of the exception has been pronounced, the court is stopped from expressing its opinion on the merits of the case, both in the operative part and in the recitals. Through the present study, I sought to highlight that the rules ...
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O sancţiune procesuală aplicată în mod pretorian și efectele imprevizibile ale acesteia – încetarea de drept a măsurilor asiguratorii
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
By art. 19 of Law no. 6/2021 on establishing measures for the implementationof Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1.939 of 12 October 2017 implementing a form of consolidated cooperation regarding the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Criminal Procedure Code was amended, thus establishing the obligation of the judicial authorities to verify, ex officio, the existence of the grounds that determined the taking ...
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Consideraţii asupra măsurii confiscării venitului ilicit – sancţiuni complementare
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
The following study analyzes the constitutive elements and sanctions of theamounts derived from illegal acts as well as the fiscal regime applicable tocontravention fines and the complementary ones applied for such incomes. At the same time, we will analyze the evolution and limits of the two illegal components on the one hand and the fiscal effects and complementary sanctions on the other, given the latest legislative-fisc...
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Provocările actuale legate de modificările genetice și de noile biotehnologii
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
Is it good or not good to introduce into human consumption genetically modified foods or partially containing ingredients derived from genetic modifications? This article outlines both the advantages, risks, and disadvantages of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The conclusion reached is that, in the long term, the invasion of GMOs into human food is not recommended, given the possible existing risks and some of them scientifically...
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Dreptul neoliberal românesc; între mituri fundaţionale și realitatea precarităţii proprietăţii individuale în blocurile de locuinţe (Partea a II-a)
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
In this article, base d on an examination of Romanian neoliberal reforms on‘housing’, I debunk several posts 1989 myths related to private, individual property. In the senses famously articulated by David Harvey, I argue that the post 1989 Romanian radical neoliberal project in law (and economy) is at once a political practice and a utopia. At the utopian level, this project creates a fictional socialist era legal reality that it p...
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Controlul de legalitate al actelor adoptate de instituţiile Uniunii
The article analyzes the judicial system of the European Union and the categories of legal actions that are subject to the analysis of the European courts. This judicial system, the Court of Justice of the European Union and the General Court, are intended to defend citizens’ rights, restoring the rule of law, through various types of actions, aimed at ensuring compliance with EU law and its uniform enforcement, to delimit competences ...
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Aspecte cu privire la excepţia de la principiul privind vârsta minimă pentru încheierea căsătoriei în sistemul de drept român
Numărul 3 Anul 2023
The idea of the study started from the fact that the exception to the principle regarding the matrimonial age concerns the marriage of a natural person who, in the Romanian legal system, has the legal status of a child, a status that entails the corresponding incidence of both the legal provisions that enshrine this exception and those regarding the protection and promotion of children’s rights. From the second category, we mainly cons...
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Modernizarea justiţiei prin tehnologie
Numărul 3 Anul 2023
During the last decade, we are living under the influence of technology. Our activities are becoming more and more digitalized, and activities in the justice sector are no exception to this. However, compared to other fields, the representatives of the judiciary, being more conservative by nature of their occupation, often hesitate to accept or promote the use of technology. Thus, this article comes to support the effort to ...
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Numărul 3 Anul 2023
Printre semnalele tot mai insistente perceptibile în analizele privind starea și evoluţiile (posibile) ale juridicului unul devine din ce în ce mai insistent și generează deopotrivă interogaţii și preocupări: ne îndreptăm spre o „lume fără drept” dar supusă „drepturilor”, adică unei game heteroclite de revendicări emanate de la indivizi sau grupuri cu motivaţii și interese diverse, schimbătoare, contradictorii, imprecise? Punându-și și încercând să răspundă unei atari chestiuni, deopotrivă, atât de crucială și de actuală, profesorul de drept public al economiei, Stéphane Braconnier, președintele U...
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