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Pagina 14 din 19
„Cele două Românii” şi doctrina Sfintei Coroane Ungare
Numărul 2 Anul 2020
The theses of the alleged „civilizational inferiority” of the Romanians and of the „cultural mission” of Hungary to the East and South builds one of the most widespread arguments directed by the Hungarian revisionist propaganda against the international recognition of the Union between Transylvania and the Old Kingdom of Romania. According to this view, Transylvania should be envisaged as being part of the culturally and politically developed ...
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Observaţii critice asupra delimitării unor prelucrări de date cu caracter personal realizate de către autorităţile poliţieneşti în domeniul contravenţional în temeiul a două acte europene, Regulamentul General privind Protecţia Datelor şi Directiva nr. 680/2016, precum şi a actelor corespondente elaborate de legiuitorul român
Numărul 2 Anul 2020
The present study aims to provide some clarification on the processing of personal data by police officers in the context of witnessing violations of traffic on public roads. Specifically, it is necessary to delimit between the applicability of the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter GDPR), on the one hand, and Directive 2016/680 on the other hand, regarding the protection of individuals with regard to processing of personal data ...
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Regimul conflictual al delictelor constând în concurenţă neloială şi acte care îngrădesc libera concurenţă
With the clear purpose of increasing the predictability of awards rendered in private international law litigations, of facilitating the free movement of awards and of discouraging the forum shopping phenomenon in the process of determining jurisdiction, the European legislator has adopted several uniform instruments, which are applicable to Member States. One of these instruments is Regulation (EC) No 864/2007 of the European Parliament and ...
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Societăţile holding şi schimbul automat de informaţii în domeniul fiscal
The holding companies have played, in time, an important role in both hiding the assets from tax authorities of the competent states and the identity of the funds’s real beneficiaries. This types of entities were, regularly, incorporated in fiscal paradises which offered a more advantaged tax regime than the ones where the companies performed their main activities. In the light of the latest international provisions regarding the exchange of i...
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Unele consideraţii privind efectele îndepărtării sintagmei „la momentul prelevării mostrelor biologice” din cuprinsul art. 336 alin. (1) C. pen., ca urmare a Deciziei nr. 732/2014 a Curţii Constituţionale asupra reglementării infracţiunilor privind circulaţia pe drumurile publice
Numărul 2 Anul 2020
The entry into force of the Criminal Code entailed a series of changes of view regarding the way of incriminating certain categories of actions, as well as punctual changes regarding the constitutive content of some offences. In the matter of Offenses against traffic safety on public roads, the main difference from the previous regulation was probably the way of regulating the offence of drinking and driving. This change also led to the renunci...
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Potenţialitatea răspunderii penale în contextul normelor instituite de legiuitor pentru prevenirea răspândirii coronavirusului SARS-CoV-2, respectiv pentru combaterea efectelor negative care influenţează situaţia economică
Numărul 2 Anul 2020
Primo, we intend to analyze the context of establishing the obligation regarding the submission of the self-declaration while undergoing the procedure of obtaining some facilities regulated by the legislature, by relating to the set of norms in force. Secundo, we aim to make a short presentation of the notion of false statement, breach of trust by defrauding the creditors, and the failure to notify, limited by the purpose of this paper, n...
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Consideraţii asupra Decretelor nr. 195 şi nr. 240 din 2020 privind dispoziţiile care reglementează domeniul justiţiei
Numărul 2 Anul 2020
With the adoption of Decree no. 195/2020 respectively of Decree no. 240/2020, a series of consequences have occurred in the public space regarding the justice domain, which will be the subject of the analysis in this paper, in order to identify possible deficiencies generating difficulties for practitioners as well as some suitable solutions to ensure a constant jurisprudence of the courts.
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Consecinţele pandemiei generate de coronavirusul SARS-CoV-2 în raporturile contractuale
Numărul 2 Anul 2020
Among the most debated legal issues at both national and international level, in the current period, we find the effects on contractual relations, generated by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and by the measures ordered by the public authorities to limit the effects of the virus on human health, measures which had to leave the economy in the background. In matters of performing contractual relations, in progress at the time of the emergence of the pan...
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Considerații cu privire la instituția renunțării la aplicarea pedepsei
Numărul 1 Anul 2020
In this study, the authors intend to analyze a new institution of Romanian criminal law, namely the waiver of penalty. They also examine various situations that have occurred in practice regarding the application of other criminal law institutions when ordering solutions to waive the penalty, various legislative inconsistencies that make it difficult to apply important legal provisions. Last but not least, we will propose de lege ferenda solut...
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Exercitarea autorității părintești. O privire spre viitor
Numărul 1 Anul 2020
The present article aims to analyze the possibility for the courts to order that the parental authority be exercised by a single parent for a limited period of time or that certain attributes of the parental authority be entrusted exclusively to a parent. The article also includes a proposal of law author’s ferenda, regarding the need to expressly mention in the Civil Code the fact that, in certain situations, certain limitations of the...
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Dreptul de petiționare în România. Studiu de caz
Numărul 1 Anul 2020
The right to petition falls within the category of the essential-democratic constitutional means of civic engagement or defence of the legal rights and interests of the person governed – the citizen. The author analyzes how to decide on a petition, noting that more than three decades after the Revolution, there are still difficulties in this field.
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Relativitatea efectului pozitiv al autorității lucrului judecat. Oscilații doctrinare și jurisprudențiale
Numărul 1 Anul 2020
In our study we endeavour to analyse the semantic content of the authority of res judicata through the prism of its positive effect. We present the initial concept of the legislator, which imposed the existence of a triple identity of parties, object and cause of the litigation in order to benefit from the presumption of truth associated with res judicata. We show that this concept later underwent multiple metamorphoses first by the differenti...
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Considerații privind libertatea copilului de a-și exprima opinia și dreptul acestuia de a fi ascultat
Numărul 1 Anul 2020
The purpose of the study is the logical-legal analysis of the provisions of art. 29 of Law no. 272/2004 and art. 264 C. civ. Devoted to the child’s freedom to express his opinion in relation to any matter concerning him, respectively to his right to be heard in any administrative or judicial procedure that also concerns him. The analysis is, above all, critical, both in terms of the disregard of the principle of the supremacy of t...
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Exproprierea de fapt
Expropriation actually appeared in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and at the same time in the case law of national courts. Considering that this institution, quite common in the practice of courts, does not enjoy a regulatory framework, intervening when the holder of the private property right is deprived of the exercise of the prerogatives of his right, the award of damages by the courts was seen as having no legal basis. I...
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Conflictul de jurisdicții și conflictul de legi în materie de divorț, autoritate părintească și obligații de întreținere minor (Caz practic: U.S.A. și România)
The exponential growth in recent years of marriages or de facto unions between citizens from different countries or citizens having their regular residence in countries other than their country of origin, has inevitably led to a significant increase in trials concerning juvenile and family matters, characterized by the presence of one or more foreign elements. In this context, the national judicial authorities often face complex situations inv...
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Pagina 14 din 19