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Pagina 18 din 19
Perspective ale dreptului la uitare digitală (dreptul la înlăturare): concluziile Avocatului general în Cauza G. C. și alţii (C-136/17)
Numărul 6 Anul 2018
Information technology changed the way we relate to information as any data posted on the Internet can remain accessible indefinitely. On the one hand this ease of access undoubtedly improved the business environment, but on the other hand the fundamental right to privacy of natural persons seems to be under threat in the absence of adequate legal mechanisms that should ensure that their past will not haunt them ad vitam aeternam. Last year, t...
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Dreptul umanitar și protecţia datelor personale
Numărul 6 Anul 2018
The actions of major actors in humanitarian law are jeopardized by new technologies and personal data protection. Recent developments and trends are assessed from the perspective of international humanitarian law instruments, on the one hand, and international regulations, especially European ones, on the other. The article analyzes potential international effects of the application of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), adopted in t...
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Lipsa din dispozitivul hotărârii a unor menţiuni cuprinse în minută. Nelegalitatea aplicării sancţiunii nulităţii hotărârii de către instanţa de control judiciar
Numărul 6 Anul 2018
Omission of the judgment judicial provisions that are found in minute is not likely to attract annul the award, but may be directed towards a conclusion further data under art. 281 C. pr. civ. So canceling the sentence appealed and sending the case back because on the sentence is not identical to the minutes because the device is not found solution ordered by the trial court on the objection of lack material and the severance of claims, court d...
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Inadmisibilitatea acţiunii în întoarcerea executării silite îndreptate împotriva creditorului popritor pe motivul desfiinţării titlului executoriu din dosarul în care a validat poprirea, în condiţiile existenţei unei hotărâri irevocabile de validare a popririi
Numărul 6 Anul 2018
This commentary seeks to highlight a number of issues related to the impossibility of requesting the de jure abolition of an attachment and the restitution of the retained amounts through a future action, provided that there is a final (in this case irrevocable) decision to validate the attachment, not abolished by the specific means of appeal, a decision that constituted the enforceable title of the third party who executed the amount subject...
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Unificarea juridică – legislativă, judiciară și cultural-știinţifică – parte inseparabilă a procesului de desăvârșire a unităţii naţionale
Numărul 6 Anul 2018
The unification of the civil life of the Romanian society, in continuation and to the completion of the political and State union, achieved in 1918, has a fundamental pillar the Constitution of March 29th, 1923, and the modern legislation, unified in its application; we can also take into consideration the institutions created by the same means in the newly-unified country. The fundamental law belonged to the liberal tradition, becoming nation...
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Dreptul la tăcere şi neautoincriminare al martorului
Numărul 5 Anul 2018
The witness’s right to silence is a new institution in the Code of Criminal Procedure, which refers to his right not to incriminate himself, when he has become suspect or defendant. However, the text of the law on the silence of the witness will have to be supplemented with new provisions meant to ensure the observance of the most important guarantees of a fair trial when the witness, through his statement, may accuse himself.
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Rezoluţiunea unilaterală – un remediu preţuit de creditorul universal
One of the pieces of novelty of utmost interest introduced by the New Civil Code is regulation of the right to unilateral rescission at art. 1.552, drawing up on the legislation of other countries which are particularly sensitive to trade interests, and thought differently of the role of the specialized judge. Under such law systems, the creditor may decide to unilaterally break the contractual bond in case of a default. When the debto...
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Protejarea intereselor financiare ale Uniunii Europene prin mijloace de drept penal. Analiza infracţiunii de obţinere ilegală de fonduri europene
Numărul 5 Anul 2018
The importance of the financial resources available to the European Union and the high level of damage caused by the defective manage of Community resources, has led to the establishment of administrative and judicial measures for the protection of European funds. In this regard, on 26 June 1995 was adopted the Convention on the Protection of the Financial Interests of the European Union, through which minimum rules have been set for def...
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Aspecte teoretice şi practice cu privirela curatela specială ca formă de reprezentare în cadrul procesului civil
Numărul 5 Anul 2018
Special guardianship, as a form of representation in a lawsuit, is a new construction in the field of civil procedural law that aims to ensure the right of the party to a fair trial and, implicitly, the right to effective defence. Representation through a special guardian is of interest both in theoretical and practical terms, as it implies a series of rules whose non-observance can have procedural consequences and may lead to the nullity of t...
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Analiza Legii nr. 151 din 18 iunie 2015 privind procedura insolvenţei persoanelor fizice prin raportare la teoria impreviziunii
Numărul 5 Anul 2018
On 1 January 2018, Law no. 151/2015 on insolvency proceedings for natural persons came into force. The law was promoted in Parliament against the background of the social and financial crisis generated by the effects of Swiss franc contracts, in line with the increase in the ratio between the national currency and the foreign currency in which the contracts had been concluded. The entry into force of the law was postponed successively, but it...
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Deosebiri între excepţiile procesuale şi apărările de fond privind ordinea, modalitatea de soluţionare şi efectele admiterii acestora, în faţa primei instanţe defond
Numărul 5 Anul 2018
This study aims to clarify the main distinctions between procedural exceptions and substantive defences, in particular substantive exceptions (as a species of substantive defences in law). Without approaching the similarities and all the differences between these two categories of exceptions regarded lato sensu, as a defence means, we have been concerned with the order of deciding on concurrent exceptions, on the decision method and the effect...
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Pledoarie pentru buna-credinţă în dreptul consumatorului
Good faith is the fundamental value on which the trust-based relation, essential for keeping a fair and balanced social environment, is built. The calls of good faith regard both parties of the consume relation. The duty to inform sets up the standards for both seller/supplier’s and consumer’s good faith, showing the extent to which the seller or supplier’s good faith reflects the consumer’s good faith. Consumer protection must ...
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Înșelăciunea în dauna casei de pensii. Aspecte controversate
Numărul 4 Anul 2018
The jurisprudence has difficulties in placing in one of the categories of the natural or legal unity of crime the offence perpetraded by a person who uses forged documents concerning the number of qualifying years in order to obtain a state pension and then regularly receives the pension. The article places the recent jurisprudential controversies in the context of the traditional romanian jurisprudence and of new phenomena in the criminal la...
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Modificarea și completarea Codului de procedură penală cu referire la dispoziţiile art. 453 alin. (1) lit. g)
Numărul 4 Anul 2018
A lawful and solid judgment can only be discussed again in the event of a reality that is relevant to the situation at issue on the occasion of the primary judgment. With a view to eliminating the effects of judicial errors by abolishing a final judgment, the review is likely to bring serious prejudice to the power of res judicata; major social interests would require that the administration of justice should be done only with respect for the ...
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Efectivitatea dreptului de acces la justiţie al persoanelor juridice de drept privat în cauzele având ca obiect suspendarea documentelor constatatoare emise de autorităţile contractante în legătură cu procedurile de achiziţie publică
Numărul 4 Anul 2018
This paper aims at making an x-ray of the considerations leading to the rejection of applications seeking the suspension of the certificates of incumbency issued by contracting authorities under the legal provisions regulating the public procurement procedure, while paying particular attention to the way in which this practice may undermine the effectiveness of the right of access to justice, so that it becomes incompatible with the requiremen...
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Pagina 18 din 19